torstai 1. maaliskuuta 2012


On february 16 we exchange-students went on Ruta Independencia. We saw a lot of palces! First day we go to se butterflys. There were a huge amount of them!

 And at night we arrived on hotel in Mitsuacan. Went to see the old town town and there was a lady who tell us about the history of the town.

Next day we go to Patsquaro and by boat to one small island and climbed top of one monument. Inside the monument, when we walked the steps up - the walls were full of paintings!

On saturday, 18 you were able to find us from Guadalajara, Guadalaja. There we had beautifull ride by cabriole.

And ofcourse on Sunday Tequila express in city of Tequila to see how they make a real tequila! We hade dance competicion and ofcourse I and Natan winned the competition and get bottles of tequila!

Monday we travelled to Quanajuato. It's one of the most beatifullest citys in Mexicó! There you are able to find mines and a monument for the miners.
At night we went walking in smaal streets in the city with a musicants. They played music by middle-ages and boys make us a serenad - and don't forgot the steer of kisses and museo of mommies!

Wednesday city of León wich is famous of it's industry of leather and at night in  Queretaro, fast tour in the city and sleep!

Thursday Mexico City and the pyramides of Tehotiuacan.

I returned back to my host-house in Puebla and on Friday we had meeting and we saw the precident of Rotary International. An old man from Japan. And after that hanging out with other excahnge-students. We saw a horror film! :)
Saturday at night party, where you needed to dress very well. I danced salsa with a boy who had last year go to Switzerland to exchange. Nice guy!

On saturday, before the party I somehow to get in a gym. (Don't ask! - I hate it!) Ok, well, there in dressing room was SAUNA!!! (And some of the pieces was missing on the roof [I mena that there was holes in the wood panel!!] - I think that some of the people in the gym had steal some pieces to prove that they have been in sauna.. :D )

Ok. Now Iḿ back in the school and right now Iḿ going to see the Guis precentacion of Brazil.

I would really like to put fotos, but i really need to go to the meeting right now!! Adios!

torstai 9. helmikuuta 2012

post by eva ;)

Hello everyone :)
I just wanted to say that the German thing we made in the panaderia isn't called apple kufun but Apfelkuchen :D (apple pie)
Yea, that's all, nice day to you ;D
saludos, Eva

tiistai 7. helmikuuta 2012

Un mes en mi otra casa

Now I have been one month in my new house! (Yksi kuukausi takan uudessa talossa!)
Let's see waht have happened!
First week: I was in the house and trying to adaptar the new rules. Hear I need allways ask "Can I go..." And the my parents are going to give me promission. If I'm outside the house and we are going to change the place there, I first have to ask again "Can I go" - and wait the answer! Text message sometimes can take some hours to get in correct address! - So it's better to call, but one phone call cost 5 pesos + minutes! So it's very expensive. It is because the words richest man own the phone companies, so there is no competiton between operationes.
First weekend I go to Cantona, wich is some kind of ruins of an old city of native americans and after that I go to Tlaxcala. It's a little state next to state of Puebla. I go there with one rotary family and there I tried to do tortillas by hand (wich very hard!). And then there were one  clown who tried to kiss me and who sell me one balloon by 10 pesos! (The balloon suposed to be gift!) :D
In Tlaxcala was some relatives of this rotary-family and they had a baby. They asked if I can suggest some names for the girl-baby. Some of the names they really liked to give to the baby, like; Kukka (flower) and Enkeli (angel). They said that the names sounds very nice, but they ofcourse didn't know how to pronun them, so some times I had fun trying to make them to say it correct.
Well, I had a lot of fun, and expecially because they have 17-year-old boy in the family, I wasn't lonely! -The guy is no gentleman!
Next week I go to school and nothing so especially didn't happend, but in friday  (19.1) we had in my class "Plan de vida" - day. It means that everybody in the class had done her/his own plan for the life and we show them to the parent's. I hade done mine too! In the presentaciones students cried with their parents, but when it was my turn I didn't cry, but I make other people laught and cry because I was telling my plans to build an house near of a lake and then when was my turn to say thank's I make the peoples cry by my beautifull words. My student counsellor just sayed that it was good that I make my own P'd vida.
But I need to give a big lift of my hat because I preaciate how much my class mates had done work for their P'd vida. -and ewerybody show him/her precentacion and nobody didn't escape!!
Second weekend (26-28.1) we go to  house of my mums sister and we played boargames! I had one week free because the term was changing, but on monday I go to school for 5th term graduacion paper. I go there at nine and half, like peolpe had said "Come between 9-10". Ok. There were some of my frieds dressed in school uniform and some no. We waited when other student's and when we are going to get our papers. Laiter we go to ask from teacher, when are we going to get our papers. They said at 12. We waited, but nobody didn't come to give our papers and at 13.30 we go to ask what happend!? -the papers arn't ready yet! -So we go to our houses.
This free-week  I spended with Ethel, Eva and Sandra + I runned/walked steps up and down! And on saturday we go to Suite! And at same day I was with Jill - my new cousine. We go to walk and when we get back to the house - to early - they were making suprise-welcomming-party to me!! (three weeks later) In the morning (at same day) I was cutting little flags of Finland and Mexicó ans asking that, when is the day of the flag? - But they didn't say nothing.
And the last week I was all the time with Ethel, Eva and Sandra. On Thursday I, Eva and Ethel we go to bread store to make Karjalanpiirakka (from Finland) and Appel kufun (some kind of apple pie from German). Ethel didn't do nothing because she had forgot her recepie in her house!
Karjalanpiirakka: Hear in Mexicó are not flour of rye ("dark bread") so I needed to creative something similar!
When I was making "the egg butter". I take one "ready" egg from the hot water. It fall down on my pant's and well... it wasn't ready! :)

Now I tought to go to sleep!!

Oh! And last weeken (friday 3.2) I go with my family to Puebla for one 15-year parties!

Hear when girl get 15, they make a big party for here! -  And next day other 15-party! And on Sunday I eated first time of my life octopus. It tasted good!

lauantai 7. tammikuuta 2012

Vamos a cambiar casas!

Today is the day when I need to change my house. I`m coing to go to house of Ethel and she in house of mine. And Eva goes to Guis house and up side down. I really wanted to go to house of Ethel! It`s near of my first house, I know the people and I like them!
I have packed my stuff now like one hour - now I`m eating - and I will continue. Ethel is comming her when she is ready and we are first going to put her stuff in my room and after that we are will put my styff my new room with Ethel.
My huge suitcase  is already full. And then I have my bakcbag.- wich is too full...
Yesterday I was in one fiesta and after that  I saw the lights of my house. I feel little bit sad, but now I`m exited to change. And I do know that I need to change! I`m not going to lern any spanish if I`m living in this house because my parent`s speaks sometimes english! If I`m not abble to say something in spanis we speak in english! - and after that, english!
...I heard that Putous (TV-program in finland) ha ve again started!! :) 

sunnuntai 1. tammikuuta 2012

Nueve Año 2012!

Feliz Año Nueve todo mundo!!! Happy New Year the whole world!

Yesterday I was very tired. I cooced with mama and Antoñas because in my house we were going to make party for the New Year. then I sleep little bit and then fiesta!!! I played hiding game with the other youngsters and eated a lot of food! In mexicò the time of christmas is only eating! Christmas, New Year and Epiphany. Eat, eat, eat and get fat! :)
After eating there were one man who sings songs from Spain and Mexicò and he + he`s wife dance flamenco, so they teached some base steps to me! :) I danced and one little kid wanted to dance with me!  He vas like 6-7 year old! And then they put Rikc Ashley - Newer gona give u up and the little kid daced just like in music video! -So cool!
Later I go with Tadeo and Daniela in Suite (discoteka) and we danced and have fun and talked with peoples and we get out at eight in the morning! It was sooooo weird that we had go in like at four in the morning when it was dark and we get out when was a day!!! (In that momen I said a lot bad words in finnish and my head was ringing because of the loud music in disco - and I made my recor of going bakc to home after disco!)
In disco there was some guy who wanted to go out of the disco with me. He asked that many times and laiter he said that I`m fresa. (Fresa is strawberry, but it means too people who`s not easy and who think that the whole world is runing on your belly button) -Mama said that it`s better to be fresa than puta (whore - in Merxicò people think that peole in USA and Europa (expecially blonds) are "easy", but that`s not true! - And I show to that man that I`m not puta! Hahaa!!! >:D ).
And end of all, do you guys think that the girl is going with u if  you start repertir yourdelf -and insulting the girl!?  - Ok. The funny thing was the face of the man! Hee looked so pissed of when I didn`t go with him! Hah!

Oh! And Daniela is going to married with Tadeo!!! - she didn`t actually actually asked (because I was "joking" that I will be the bride maid (or something) and I will be the bride and she the bride maid...) But I`m going to be the bride maide - or something like that in their wedding!!! 

I tought I should go soon sleep. Noboddy in my house (and the other guests) hasn`t sleep very well last night. :)  But yestarday was so fun!!!

This was my first post in this year!


Rikc Ashley is for the little kid and "beibi ala vonkaa "baby don`t fish/squeak" - well, you know. :)

lauantai 31. joulukuuta 2011

The last day of the year

Now it`s tha lates day of the year. ..I will write in finnish.I will tell aboy the tradisiones in the New year.

Last night I didn`t sleep well. I fall in sleep at seven in the morning!
I litle bit have homesik. The most I miss the normal things! I want to learn somethin!!!

Joulu tuli ja joulu meni. Uusi Vuosi tulee ja Uusi Vuosi menee.
Vahan on haikee meiniki. Aina vahan harmi kun uusi vuosi alkaa.

Meksikoloaisia Uuden Vuoden perinteita:
-Alushouysut, joko punaset tai keltaiset. Keltaiset tuo rahaa ja punaset rakkautta.
- Pikkunen lammas (ei oikea!) pannaan paaoven/ulko-oven taakse, jotta tuleva vuosi tuo tullessaan rahaa.
- Kun kello lyo kaksitoista, jokaisella lyonnilla syodaan yksi viinirypale. Se tuo hyvaa onnea jokaisella tulevan vuoden kuukaudelle
- 12 illalla mennaan ulos ja ravistellan paha onni pois.
- Matkalaukun kanssa kodin sisalla ravaaminen tuo paljon matkoja
- Jotkut menee indigena shamaanin/poppamiehen.. luokse siivoamaan pahat henget pois.
- Sitten voi siivota talon niista tavaroista, mita ei tarvitse enaan - siivoaa pahan pois ja on valmiina ottamaan uuden vastaan
- Kartiohattu (millasia on "vappuna ja synttareilla") ja puhalluspillien kanssa tanssitaan koko yo ja se tuo onnea ja iloa.


torstai 22. joulukuuta 2011

Feliz Navidad!

There have happened a lot of things. Right now, my pank card don`t work and I`m trying to find out what is happening. The internetpages ot the bank are not very good!
Right now my sister (in Mexico) is hear. She`s going to spent her Christmash in Cancun. I`m tired like allways and I bought a new scarf. Ok. I bought too other new scarf and boots. ...and maybe I`m going to buy one jacked... buing, buing, buing.... In Mexico at Christamash they don`t give so much present - or it dippends because the day when the three whise men go to see Jesus, the kids hear get the presents + Christmash 25th, becaus it`s the influensa from USA. So some here get the presents in Christmah, some in new year and some bought.
I think that at this Cristmash I don`t have any present in wrapping paper! So, I`m able to buy presents to me. :) ..and maybe I will put them in wrapping paper! ;D

In my house we have two new puppies. Cocò y Carlotta. Cocò es pomerang y Charlotta salcicha - "sausage dog".

In Finland they have new song or something.... Layra Narhi - Joka yo.

I like that song.

Oh, and my concierto goesvery well. People like it. At new year we are going to sing in my house O____O and maybe one giig mora.